Taken from the description of the game's Itch.io page:
"Disquietude is a short horror game where you're woken up to repair your ship and keep things running. It was made as a part of the "Scream Jam 2023" competition.
With your limited tools provided, work to keep your ship's integrity above critical levels between cryo jumps.  With 2 Unique endings, keep an eye out for things that may not be as they seem."
I proudly served as the Project Lead for "Disquietude," coordinating and leading a talented team of four, including myself:
This project was particularly special as it marked the first time I collaborated with a team where every member brought significant experience in their respective domains. My primary responsibility was multifaceted: I managed the team to ensure we adhered to our strict 7-day deadline and stepped in to bridge any development gaps that emerged during the process.

The initial gray box of the level before it got populated

Interested in delving deeper into the development process? You may read the design document by clicking the button below, where I share in-depth info through my unique lens as project lead.
If you wish to play the game, download it through itch.io in the following embed.
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