After participating in a few Game-Jam competitions, I spent a lot of time working on projects that were never published. That was due to school, an increase in scope, and projects just being proofs of concept. Even if they never became full games, I still learned various things about programming, design, and general artwork.

This was a side project where I implemented a water system that would bob up and down while also having a toon-like look. I had to write a script to make the water go up and down to mimic a shoreline. I also had to create my own custom shader and material for the actual water.

While this project does look way worse than when I last used it (Due to the Rendering Pipeline being outdated), it was very informative as I learned how to import different materials and textures for the first time. I also made a functional flashlight and door system where you could press a button that would cause the door in the image to close. This project was supposed to be a horror game that I would finish by Halloween 2021. However, the project was way bigger than I originally intended it to be, so I put it aside. 

This was a strange game as I did intend for this to be the next game I publish immediately after the game jam competitions. However, I did learn how to do some basic stuff like reactionary animations where things would happen when you click on the screen. The idea itself wasn't very creative and was a pretty shameless copy of the game "Please, Don't Touch Anything." However, I did learn how to implement basic 2d animations as well as sounds that respond to what you do.

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