Take Your Time was submitted as a part of an Itch.io game jam competition. The theme was "The last one left." This was the first game that I've ever published online for other people to play. The game was made in only a week and helped me learn a lot of the basics of developing in 2d.
The game can be played at: https://stickguy101.itch.io/take-your-time

When working on this project, I needed to learn how to implement things such as a timer and a high score tracker that carries over after you reset the game. What made this so difficult for me was that I had to do all of that within a limited timeframe, one week.

How the game looked within the Unity Editor

This is how the game looked within the Unity Game Engine editor. All of the assets in the game were made by me using an online pixel art tool called "Piskel." I implemented basic animations for the tutorial screen, and the sprites on the right are updated from the original version on release. After the Game-Jam competition ended, I went back to the project and updated it with some minor bug fixes. The update mainly was small changes to sprites and fixing bugs such as the timer not working properly.

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